EFI is an option that, while adding to the initial expense, can save money over the long run and provide several operational advantages that will appeal to many Go-Kart owners.
Among the plus factors of an EFI system over the traditional carburetor:
- Increased Fuel Economy – The efficiency of the EFI system can save up to 25 percent in fuel costs, according to some studies.
- Improved Startup – EFI provides smooth, chokeless startup in both cold and hot conditions.
- Altitude Compensation – One of the advantages of EFI is that it compensates for environmental conditions at different altitudes.
- Improved Load Governance – An EFI system will adjust fuel delivery accordingly, based on different speed and load conditions.
- Stale Fuel Resistance – Since the EFI system atomizes the fuel into spray, it results in less fuel to turn gummy – and everyone has had an experience with a gummed-up carburetor.
- Improved Horsepower – Carburetor performance can be erratic. An EFI system evens out performance issues and provides more overall power.
- Lower Emission Levels – As concern over air quality increases, an EFI system definitely will result in lower emission levels. This means less worry over meeting various governmental emission guidelines and also contributes to a cleaner air environment.
Looking at the other end of the equation, there are a couple of advantages to a carburetor system, especially in small engines.
- Reduced Cost -- The initial cost of a powersports vehicle, such as a Go-Kart, will be somewhat cheaper in carburetor models.
- Simpler Maintenance – A DIY Go-Kart owner has the capability of rebuilding a carburetor system in his garage. On the other hand, repair or an EFI model will require professionally-trained work or a new system.