As most of you know the Ghost is a Ducar style 212cc engine with a
Chinese copy of a Briggs Animal slide carb, a slightly different cam
profile, factory top plate and most importantly a 6000 RPM Rev limiting
This video is a great guide for mounting a racing go kart seat. Pay
particular attention to installing your seat struts without pulling or
putting tension on the seat.
Using BMI parts, Grandpa Daily surprised his son and grandchildren by transforming a simple little red wagon into a racing machine! See the parts he used, the process he went through, and the end results.
Pozidriv, commonly spelled incorrectly as "Pozidrive", is an improved
variation on the Phillips drive design. After the patent for the
Phillips head expired, the company GKN Screws and Fasteners created the
Pozidriv design.
EFI is an option that, while adding to the initial expense, can save
money over the long run and provide several operational advantages that
will appeal to many Go-Kart owners.
With daily to-do lists and the basic hustle and bustle of life, starting a hobby may be the furthest thing from your mind. But did you know that starting a hobby isn’t about fitting one more thing into your already hectic schedule? It’s about finding a few hours to spend some time for yourself, or with the people who enjoy the same things that you do.
As the general pace of world moves faster, hobbies can give us a reason to slow down. They can bring joy and relaxation to our lives or provide us with an opportunity to pursue a passion that may have slowly slipped away.
As we ring in the new year, a new decade and celebrate the hobby industry during National Hobby Month, why not take the time to find a hobby that will help you unwind or better yet, inspire you to try something new?
Grind Hard Plumbing Co. is at it again, but they this time its a Ultimate Princess Jeep. BMI Karts parts were part of their "Frankenstein" build that used a little bit of everything to transform a basic Barbie PowerWheel to a 55HP Off-Road Ultimate Jeep.
This BMI Build is brought to by Spencer Wells, displays how you can build a go kart from scratch for $350. He features parts from BMI Karts, and home improvement stores (ie Home Depot and Menards).
REV J completed a motorized drift trike build with 420cc Predator Engine. He utilized a rear axle kit from BMI Karts. Featured in video #6. This video is very informative on how to mount the tires and rims. #REBUILDEVERYTHING
This go-kart is the combination of two best things known to man: Ice cold drinks, and the ability to haul @ss!. Aaron Green of Overland Park (KS) and his son used
many BMI parts on this cooler kart build.
Hot Rod featured BMI in their post about "How To Build a Motorized Drift Trike"
In the decades between Big Wheels and modern drift trikes, Harbor Freight began selling the Predator 212cc 7hp engine for about $100. When technologies converge, the universe demands action. Get ready for a $500 motorized drift trike you can build in the garage.
What normal people do with a lawn mower is typically mow grass. However when you are a customer of BMI, the typical uses of a vehicle with 4 wheels and engine get overhauled! Checkout this build from 2013 featuring tires, rims and more from BMI Karts